A woman who claims to have once been in a romantic relationship with a warlock and even “baptized” her son in a satanic ritual shared her testimony of coming to Christ.
Florida resident Yamisbel Garcia opened up about her journey to Christ and how she was redeemed from the occult after she unknowingly baptized her son in a satanic temple in a testimony video released by Dalafé Testimonies last week.
Dalafé Testimonies is a YouTube channel with over 500,000 subscribers that aims to “create the world’s largest archive of Jesus testimonies.”
The Florida woman was raised in a nominally Catholic home. Garcia said that she was abused by her father both verbally and physically. She said she eventually met the father of her children while on a trip to Puerto Rico. A couple of months later, by the age of 17, she was pregnant with her warlock boyfriend’s child. After getting pregnant, she went to live with her boyfriend in Puerto Rico.
“They have other beliefs. Their beliefs are more in the satanism, witches and warlocks,” she said. “I grew up around that, but it wasn’t normal.”
“Witchcraft and all of that looked normal in our surroundings. It wasn’t something that you would identify as, ‘Oh, that’s bad,’ or ‘Oh, that’s good.’ It was just another religion, basically,” Garcia added.
“When my son was born, by tradition, we baptized him in a Catholic church. And because of [witchcraft community’s] beliefs, they asked me to baptize him in a satanic temple, which I now know was a satanic temple. But I didn’t know back then. I was 17. I was naive.”
A few months later, when Garcia began working at a Colombian bakery owned by a devout Christian, she said it was “the first time that I ever heard about Jesus.”
“I remember every time he used to talk about Jesus, I used to be in awe. I would make sure that I get the bakery clean and everything is done before my time was up, so I could sit down and we could have coffee and talk about Jesus,” Garcia said.
When Garcia’s son reached the age of 1, she became concerned for his well-being because he was not talking, crawling or walking.
Garcia said the bakery owner told her he saw in a vision “in the Spirit” of her son in a cage. He asked Garcia if there was ever any type of prayer said over her child.
When she told him that her son was baptized in a satanic temple, the bakery owner gave her a “little prayer” to pray over her son every evening.
“I did this consistently for about a week,” Garcia recalled. “My son started walking. It was like he came back to life. And to me, it was like, wow. It was the first time that I ever saw firsthand like ‘wow, the power of Jesus.'”
Garcia eventually stopped working at the bakery and rarely attended church. She said her prayer life became weaker while she faced one of the darkest seasons of her life, as the father of her children was “very abusive.”
“At times, my life was at risk. But I didn’t know how to speak up. Because growing up, I saw my mom going through it, and she never spoke up, so I didn’t know what speaking up meant,” Garcia recounted.
“My life was in danger. I wanted to get out, but I was being threatened. I started contemplating suicide because I felt like the only way out of what I was going through was killing myself.”
In her desperation, Garcia prayed, asking God to “please take me out of here.” Garcia separated from the father of her children at age 24.
After moving away, she began engaging in things she never imagined she would do, such as partying, drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana. After weeks of trying to find happiness in these things, Garcia said she cried out to God again.
Garcia felt led to order a Bible from Amazon, which she ordered on a Sunday, and it arrived on a Tuesday. She prayed for God to open the eyes of her heart.
“I sat in my bedroom at night, and I opened the Bible. And I said, ‘God, I have no idea what it says in this Bible. People say that ‘when you read this, they go crazy.’… I was kind of afraid of reading it. … I opened up the Bible, and I started praying,” Garcia said.
“I said, ‘Lord, if You have a purpose for me, if You created me, if I’m here for a reason, I need to know because I’m lost. I’m depressed. I can’t sleep.'”
Garcia said her life was never the same after that night of prayer. The next day, she read from her new Bible again and “felt like everything I read in the Bible, I would get up and go out, and I would see it everywhere.”
Despite knowing the Lord more and attending church more often, Garcia said she experienced spiritual warfare through dreams and visions that tormented her.
After moving to New Jersey, she reported experiencing complete deliverance at a new church she attended.
“I remember in this church I started experiencing physical deliverance, or manifestations of my own body,” she said. “But I didn’t have a close connection to the pastors. It was more of like I was congregating. They did a women’s retreat. I went, we spent the whole day. I felt more freedom, and after, I got baptized. After I got baptized, you would have thought things would have got better. But it just got more intense.”
She said she was having a hard time understanding what it meant to be Christian and needed “leadership” in her life.
“The church I was going to, it was hard to get in contact with the actual pastors. I stopped going to the church and I just started seeking the Lord on my own. I started fasting, I started praying. I started waking up at 3 o’clock in the morning just to meet the Lord,” she said. “Then the Lord started speaking to me more vividly and more clear. In this season, he told me that I needed to have an Abrahamic moment. … He wanted to take me out of New Jersey. He blessed me with a brand new home here in Florida. … The Lord was glorifying Himself in every single step of the way.”
After searching for a new church home in Florida, she found one where she felt welcomed with open arms and a female pastor who could provide her with the discipleship she desired.
She said that God began to work not only in her life but in the lives of those around her.
“The father of my children, we now hold a cordial relationship. We are co-parenting very well. My sisters are now walking their faith, and their husbands also came to Christ,” Garcia said. “But, everyone is coming to the faith.”
“I have multiple friends that have gotten closer to Jesus just because they told me, ‘It’s just the way you love Jesus; I want that.’ They have come to the faith because of seeing me not only sharing my journey but actually living my faith.”
Nicole Alcindor is a reporter for The Christian Post.
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