In times past, as a culture, we have actually made some pretty decent decisions about what our children are exposed to, especially when it comes to the youngest and most vulnerable. We know for instance, that drinking alcohol is not good for adolescents, so we restrict the purchase and consumption of it to those at least 18 years old.
The same thing happened with tobacco products, vaping products, adult fireworks, solvents, air guns, and offensive weapons such as knives and lighters filled with butane. It makes some good sense to acknowledge that young people as a whole have not reached a point in their maturity where they should be allowed to make decisions about these kinds of matters. Mind you, this merchandise has not been totally forbidden or censored, just appropriately restricted by age.
Amazingly and unfortunately, this kind of rational thinking is now being abandoned in all things related to the sexual nature, particularly if it comes to alphabet sexual urges and practices. It is not only in retail areas where explicit material of a sexual nature can be obtained by our children but also in taxpayer-funded public libraries and their own school libraries. In the past, children looked at pictures and read about Dick and Sally running, playing, and having fun with their mom and their dad and pets. Now, Dick and Sally don’t know whether they are a boy or girl, and it’s anybody’s guess as to the sexual preferences or perversions of their parents. Not only that, but the pictures in modern-day books may well be diagrams with a how-to-guide for various sexual activities that would make a sailor blush! Is it any wonder that abortion is the leading cause of death in America?
You would think that a moderately intelligent individual would realize that this whole scenario is a bad idea, especially when it comes to giving age-related sexual materials to young children. But sadly, that’s just not the case and the proliferation of the filth seems to only grow with every passing day and news story. Is it any wonder that concerned parents are rising up all over the country and beginning to ask hard questions about what trash is being spoon-fed to their children and who is responsible for doing so? Nevertheless, the lurid mafia continues to claw back at any attempt to restrict their sordid plans to pervert our children’s concept of right and wrong and push a sexual agenda on children who are much too young to even be thinking about the subject much less being groomed as sexual objects.
Into this melee of intentional turmoil, the Christian Post is reporting that the EveryLibrary Institute and Book Riot has introduced a poll that portends to show a deeply divided populace regarding these matters. Mind you, the results of the poll might be questionable to some degree because EveryLibrary Institute is an offspring of a group whose purpose it is to obtain, and increase, taxpayer funding for public libraries. Nonetheless, here are some bullet points from the results of the survey:
1. Over 80% of parents trust school librarians to select appropriate books and materials for their libraries, but they do not know how these librarians made their decisions about placing books in their collections.
2. 60.32% agreed that school libraries should restrict access to certain books based on different age groups or content.
3. Some sort of content rating system received support from 80.23% of the respondents.
4. A majority of respondents endorsed both a means of a notification system for parents about the books their children attempted to check out as well as parents having the option to prevent access to the school library by their children.
5. A plurality of parents (37.24%) classified themselves as “not comfortable” with “LGBTQ+ characters and themes in children’s books,” while 34.52% insisted they were “very comfortable” with such content in books geared toward younger readers and 28.24% were “somewhat comfortable.”
John Chrastka, director of the EveryLibrary Institute, in a statement issued following the release of the findings, labeled the results as a “mixed message.” In addition, Book Riot’s Kelly Jensen, a former librarian, blogger, and an avowed progressive, stated, “The results of this study show some real tension. School librarians are viewed as honest and trustworthy, and while the majority of parents do not know how books get on school library shelves, they indicate a desire to know what books their students are borrowing.”
However, unwilling to let her subversive mindset remain hidden, Ms. Jensen went even further into the wormhole by lamenting “that LGBTQ+ books are still seen as the most likely to be seen as inappropriate for anyone under 18 is chilling.” I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings to Ms. Jensen, but the absurdity and audacity of this type of comment is quite mind-boggling when viewed against the actions of Fairfax County, VA parent, Stacy Langton. Ms. Langton is the mom who recently received attention by reading aloud at a school board meeting certain excerpts from two of the books of which Ms. Jensen seems to be so proud. One of the books, Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe describes a fourth-grade boy performing oral sex on an adult male, and the other, Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison, portrays detailed illustrations of a man having sex with a boy.
If you think about it, it certainly is understandable that Ms. Jensen appears stressed by the results of her own polling. If one of your sole objectives is to indoctrinate the minds of young children with a message of promiscuity and perversion and then parents choose to thwart your demonic intentions by standing up to you and outing your evil intentions, the beat down would be enough to bring chagrin into the life of even the most ardent misanthropist and/or misandrist.
At Southern Evangelical Seminary we do not look to cultural trends to seek the good of humankind, especially our children. Our faith is built on the strong rock of the truth of God found through the Good News of Jesus Christ as shown through the words of Scripture. There we read that “… whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6). Perhaps Ms. Jensen and her misguided compatriots would do well to realize that it is one thing to face a Mama Bear like Ms. Langton and quite another to fall into the hands of an angry God. Come to think of it, that applies also to local school boards and to America as well — God forgive us!
After a distinguished career as both a lawyer and a judge, Judge Phil Ginn retired as the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge for the 24th Judicial District in North Carolina. Over the course of his 22-year judicial career, he was privileged to hold court in almost 50% of the county seats in North Carolina. Currently, Judge Ginn serves as the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary.
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