A Special Easter Video from ‘The Biggest Story’

Jesus Lives

Get together with your family this weekend and watch this special Easter video titled “Jesus Lives,” featuring chapter 83 of The Biggest Story Bible Storybook based on the story of Jesus’s resurrection found in the Gospels. Provided below is the “Gospel Connection” for this story from The Biggest Story Curriculum. He is risen!

Kevin DeYoung

This beautifully illustrated book by Kevin DeYoung combines 104 easy-to-read stories from Scripture with artwork by Don Clark, helping children ages 6–12 learn the unified story of the Bible.

Gospel Connection

One day after Jesus’s death, two of his followers were walking away from Jerusalem when Jesus walked up to them and asked what they were talking about. They didn’t recognize him. So they shared how their “chief priests and rulers delivered [Jesus] up … and crucified him” (Luke 24:20). They said they “had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel” (Luke 24:21). They also shared how the women went to the tomb, found it empty, and saw angels “who said that he was alive” (Luke 24:23). But they didn’t believe all this. That’s why they were walking away. Jesus stopped them and said, “Why are you so dumb?” Well, he didn’t say it exactly that way. He said it this way, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” (Luke 24:25–26). Then, starting with Genesis and ending with Malachi, he taught them from the Old Testament about himself. “It was written,” Jesus said “that I should rise from the dead and that the good news that sins are forgiven should be preached to all the nations” (see Luke 24:46–47). Jesus rose from the dead, just like the Old Testament said. Those two followers understood and believed. And that is the good news we should believe too!

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