NEW YORK — The new film “The Domino Revival” shows the trials and tribulations of pastors working in deliverance ministry at a “historic” moment in time when they can “reach the masses” through digital platforms where they encourage viewers to pray, fast and read the Bible.
The film will be in theaters nationwide for one day only on Oct. 24 via Fathom Events and features Pastor Mike Signorelli, the founding pastor of V1 Church, along with other well-known revivalists who “address the spiritual hunger gripping America,” according to the film’s synopsis.
Isaiah Saldivar, a traveling minister who has 815,000 subscribers on YouTube and 214,000 followers on Instagram, is among the ministers featured in the film. The once self-described staunch atheist, who frequently shares how Jesus pursued him and called him into ministry, says he’s seeing revivals breaking out both in person and online where people are sharing their accounts of healing.
“For me, revival is when God shows up in a family, in a friend group, at work, at school,” Saldivar said in an interview with The Christian Post at the film’s premiere in Times Square earlier this month. “One person said revival is when God is tired of being misrepresented, He comes down and represents Himself. That’s really what I see. A move of God in America is where God [says], we’re going back to the book of Acts.
“We’re gonna see the things Jesus did: preaching the Gospel, healing the sick, casting of demons. … This is what Joel said, ‘All flesh. I’ll pour my spirit on all flesh’ (Joel 2:28-32).
“I was praying today, and I felt like God said, ‘This is an all flesh moment. This is not about celebrities. This is about all people — every tongue, every tribe, young and old, prophesying, dreams, visions and deliverance. And so, we’re just seeing a fulfillment of prophecy, and it’s exciting to be living in this time.”
Saldivar said he traveled for a decade to reach people in person, but through the use of social media, the number of people he can reach has grown exponentially.
“It’s incredible the amount of people we can reach. If you think about it, everyone’s on their phone. Everybody’s on social media,” he added. “I hear people say, ‘I watch your videos every day in my living room.’”
“We’re going directly into people’s living rooms, into people’s homes and preaching the most powerful message in human history right to them. It’s incredible the power of social media,” Saldivar declared. “We’re reaching literally hundreds of millions of people with the Gospel message in this generation. And we’re reaching people that would never step foot in a conventional church; they would never come to our churches, and we’re reaching them online.”
The young adult minister who specializes in teaching deliverance said he and others are also hearing people saying they were healed during one of their live streams. “So we know God is not bound by time or space … the fact that someone can be watching live in another country and get healed or delivered because God is everywhere, it’s a beautiful thing.”
“We’re not even trying; we’re just preaching the Gospel, and people are getting filled with the Holy Spirit from across the world,” Saldivar celebrated. “So it’s crazy with the advent of social media and technology, the ability to reach the masses. What we’re seeing right now in 2023 has never been seen in human history. We’ve never had this technology. And here we are. So we’re going to look back in 50 years and go, ‘Whoa, we were spearheading something that was historic.”
Pastor Alexander Pagani, an apostolic teacher who has a deliverance ministry, said revival remains the same regardless of whether it’s digital or in person.
“The foundations of revival have remained intact … the preaching of the Gospel. But what digital does is we can go from one or two days in an event to have every day, non-stop for hours,” The author of The Secrets to Generational Cursestold CP. “People, they don’t have to travel long and far to be part of a revival. They can get it right in their own homes, and it can be sustained.”
“Digital provides sustainment of God’s presence, and I think that’s an amazing thing, especially in this day and age,” Pagani concluded.
Along with Signorelli, Pagani and Saldivar, “The Domino Revival” features Julie Signorelli, Vlad Savchuk, Stephen and Jenny Weaver, Ryan Lestrange, Jeremiah Johnson, Mark Driscoll, Jessi Green, Parker Green, Leon Dupreez, Andy Byrd, Jacob Coyne, Shane Winnings, Craig Brown and Jonathan Stamper.
Tickets for “The Domino Revival” on Oct. 24 are now available at Fathom Events.
Jeannie Ortega Law is a reporter for The Christian Post. Reach her at: jeannie.law@christianpost.com She’s also the author of the book, What Is Happening to Me? How to Defeat Your Unseen Enemy Follow her on Twitter: @jlawcp Facebook: JeannieOMusic
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