Award-winning Christian artist Phil Wickham said thousands of people across the nation have been committing their lives to Jesus this summer during his tour with Brandon Lake.
Wickham recently released his 10th studio album,I Believe, and the worshiper has been thanking God for giving him a front-row seat to witness people come to faith in Jesus Christ during the Summer Worship Nights Tour.
“Every night, God really laid it on our heart, me and Brandon Lake, it just felt so obvious we were supposed to give people a chance to know Jesus,” said Wickham in an interview with The Christian Post.
The “This Is Amazing Grace” singer said while it wasn’t initially part of the plan for the tour, “We just felt like that’s what God was calling us to do, and every night we do a legit Gospel presentation. Then the lights go up [and] it has been crazy; thousands and thousands of people have lifted their hands, and the church [is] coming along them and praying for them.”
Afterward, Wickham said he and Lake encourage new believers to get connected with a local church.
After over 20 years performing, Wickham declared that this is “literally my favorite tour I’ve ever done, and I’ve been doing this for a while. I’m 39, and I signed with a label when I was 21. I started leading worship when I was 13.”
“Not to diminish the beauty and incredible ministry and amazing times [from before], but this one, it just feels like a culmination of so many of the songs and what God has done,” he added.
During the interview, Wickham was brought to tears a few times when reflecting on the number of souls coming to Jesus at his sold-out concerts.
“It’s been so beautiful to see the Kingdom of God in such an expansive way come together — everywhere from Newark, New Jersey, all the way down to San Diego and in between. Every single night has been explosively beautiful. People, the Church, so ready to jump in and sing with us,” he noted.
There were moments when his band could not hear the worship leader singing because of how loud the audience was singing along with all the songs.
Wickham’s new album,I Believe, features a song titled “Til I Found You,” which details the beauty of coming to Jesus. The musician said every night of the tour, he has been fortunate to see the reality of the song because so many people have been committing their hearts to God.
“There was one night where a whole row of security guards at the venue raised their hand [to receive Christ], and the front row of the people, they all collapsed on the security guards and started hugging them,” Wickham testified.
“This is my favorite tour because everything I love about what happens on these nights is magnified and explosive to the point of, ‘I can’t process this; this is too much goodness and too much beauty,’ and I’m gonna cry right now; I’ve been a wreck this whole tour,” he told CP.
Although Wickham has been leading people in worship for two decades, he said he has made sure in this season of life to be intentional about his commitment to God.
“Anything can get old, even the most beautiful sacred stuff if you’re not intentionally keeping your heart soft to the Holy Spirit and the things of God,” Wickham said. “It takes an intentionality of sitting at the feet of Jesus in your own life and in your own heart, of begging Jesus for a fresh revelation, of crying out to Him of spending time with Him and listening to His voice.
“Those things in the quiet secret place need to happen. Or even the most beautiful, explosive-looking ministry can get mundane because your heart isn’t looking at it through a view of the beauty, and grace, kindness, love, and Person of Jesus. You’re just doing your job.”
The music minister encouraged other leaders of the faith to “say no” to the things that are going to bring death into their lives and that are not of God.
“It never should get old because it’s the most incredible thing in the world watching people literally walk from the kingdom of darkness into light, and that you’ve got to be a conduit for the Holy Spirit to use to make that process happen,” he assured.
Wickham said he’s also been fortunate to see people in his crew come to faith in Christ in this season.
“There’s some people in our crew who didn’t know Jesus, that are so sweet, and during the process of this tour, they’ve come to know Him. Guys that are in like, ‘This is different. I’ve never experienced people like this, and intentionality like this, and Jesus like this and I want to know Him,’ And they’re crying in our dressing rooms with us,” Wickham testified.
People are looking for Jesus even if they do not know it, the artist maintained.
“I want to encourage all my brothers and sisters out there, don’t be shy and timid and hold back the treasure that you have inside of you. More than ever, I’m realizing people are desperate to hear it. People are desperate for hope and desperate for Jesus,” Wickham added.
“People aren’t desperate to be preached at; people are desperate to hear your testimony of how Jesus has changed your life. And they want to say, ‘Can I have that too?’” Wickham concluded.
“We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb. People need to know what Jesus has done: His blood has been spilled, He’s risen from the grave, and [they need to hear] the word of our testimony. If you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and confess with your mouth that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
For more information on Wickham’s tour and new album, visit his website.
Jeannie Ortega Law is a reporter for The Christian Post. Reach her at: jeannie.law@christianpost.com She’s also the author of the book, What Is Happening to Me? How to Defeat Your Unseen Enemy Follow her on Twitter: @jlawcp Facebook: JeannieOMusic
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