Ex-porn star Brittni De La Mora recently shared how after years in the porn industry, she came to the realization in the middle of a flight that her life was consumed by the “spirit of Jezebel,” and she needed to repent for leading others into sexual sin.
In an episode of their “Let’s Talk Purity” podcast last month, De La Mora and her pastor husband, Richard, of Love Always Ministries, warned about the dangers of the “Jezebel” spirit and what Christians should know so they don’t let such a spirit consume their lives.
Jezebel was an Old Testament queen and wife of evil King Ahab, known for sins like murder and sexual promiscuity. She was also known for leading Israel astray with its worship of idols.
The “spirit of Jezebel” is defined by the apologetics website Got Questions as something that “characterizes anyone who acts in the same manner as Jezebel did, engaging in immorality, idolatry, false teaching, and unrepentant sin.”
Brittni De La Mora said she battled “heavily with the Jezebel spirit.” She advised listeners that protect themselves from the spirit to “be secure in who you are.”
“If you’re not secure in who you are, you will allow the words [of people looking to manipulate] to sway you,” she warned.
“If you’re not secure, you’ll allow those words to start making you feel like: ‘Aw, man, maybe they’re right. Maybe I did do something wrong. You know what, they always do help me. Maybe I should help,'” she continued.
“And you’ll start feeling terrible about your life because the spirit of Jezebel has a way of making you feel bad about your boundaries.”
She warned that the Jezebel spirit tries to seduce people sexually and cited her years in the pornography industry as an example.
“I battled heavily with the Jezebel spirit. It was a spirit that operated through me on a regular basis. I think the door first opened because I was hurt. I felt rejected in life. I didn’t feel validated,” she recounted.
She recalls one of her first encounters with the spirit of Jezebel came after dating a boy in high school who cheated on her with three different people and took her virginity. Not long after, at 16, she found herself dancing at a strip club in Mexico to seek attention and validation from men.
“I went from a man cheating on me to now a man paying me just to be in my presence,” she recounted. “That made me feel so validated, so secure, so strong. It was like this alter ego just came out of me. No, it was the Jezebel spirit.”
The former porn actress said that during a plane trip to what became her last porn scene, she read Revelation 2:20-23. The passage describes how Jezebel “misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols” and that she will be cast “on a bed of suffering.”
“When I read that verse, I started crying on the airplane, and I repented. I said: ‘God, I am this woman named Jezebel.’ I had to own up to it,” she recalled. “I said, ‘I am so sorry for what I’ve been doing. I’ve been leading your people into sexual sin, and I want help. I want to serve you. I want to be with you now, God.'”
Richard De La Mora told listeners that the only way to truly cast out the spirit of Jezebel is through the Holy Spirit, citing 2 Timothy 1:7, which says that “for the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
“I would ask God personally, ‘God give me power. Give me courage. Give me strength to be able to confront this spirit,'” he said. “Because you are going to need the assistance of the Holy Spirit.”
Jezebel’s spirit comes in a “plethora of different ways,” Richard De La Mora said.
He urged Christians not to “tolerate” the Jezebel spirit because it would try to manipulate and control their entire lives.
“Whenever you tolerate something, you’re giving it permission. You’re allowing it to be in your life. And the issue is that with the spirit of Jezebel, when you tolerate it, it doesn’t want to come in, in a portion of your life. It wants to take all of your life. It wants to consume you,” Richard De La Mora said.
“That’s what happens when you face people who are operating in the spirit of Jezebel because they want to control you.”
Brittni De La Mora said that when someone has the spirit of Jezebel, they won’t care about other people’s time and energy. Instead, she said they try to control others through manipulation.
“If you’re trying to not tolerate the spirit of Jezebel and you’re trying to not let this person control you, guess what, they’re going to try even harder because they are not a respecter of boundaries. And so, when you do tolerate it, what you’re giving them is power and control over your life,” she said.
“They feel like if you don’t tolerate them, and you set boundaries, and you’re very clear with them, they’re going to try to fight harder because now they feel rejected by you.”
Brittni De La Mora said those afflicted by the spirit will sometimes claim they are just “guarding my heart” to justify why they are trying to control someone else.
“They’re trying to feel validated and accepted by you,” she said. “‘If I have control over this person, they can’t walk out on me. They can’t leave me. They can’t hurt me.'”
Richard De La Mora said that the spirit of Jezebel can be found in people who will use past favors they did for someone to justify their manipulation of that same person.
“When you’re around a person who operates in the spirit of Jezebel, they do not respect your boundaries. When you say ‘no’ to them. That doesn’t mean ‘no.’ And they will find a way to manipulate you and to go and twist your ‘no’ to make you do what they want to do,” Richard De La Mora said.
Nicole Alcindor is a reporter for The Christian Post.
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