Draw a timeline of your life, with significant life experiences in chronological order. Step back to notice any themes, patterns, or processes God has used in your life. What has defined your trajectory? Ask God what your life story might mean for what God is calling you to do.
The prophet Jeremiah called God’s people to pray for and work toward the peace and prosperity of the city, to “build homes,” and plan to stay. Plant gardens and eat the food they produce. Marry and have children, etc. Wherever God has placed you, you are invited to participate with God in making your world a place for others to be empowered and flourish. This is your calling and purpose.
How does that happen? By answering some of the questions above, you will begin to discover God’s perfect plans and purposes for you.
For more on this topic, check out Aubrey’s book Known: How Believing Who God Says You Are Changes Everything
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