Davidson College in North Carolina required student-athletes to watch a video saying all white people are inherently racist.
Students were required to watch the “I’m Not Racist… Am I?” film outside of normal school hours, according to The College Fix.
An alumni-run organization, the Davidsonians for Freedom of Thought and Discourse, exposed the event.
The group told The College Fix in a statement that one clip from the film features the “unequivocal repetition that all white people are racist, and people of color cannot be racist,” adding that “the students with whom we have spoken about this film found it offensive, divisive, and personally insulting.”
The Davidsonians emphasized that they do not “object to discussions among teammates or anyone on any topic, including weaponized definitions of racism.” Forcing students to have such discussions, “guided only by the extremist views of the film producer, is a hazardous way to go about it,” they noted.
Davidson College told the outlet that the video aims to expose students to a variety of perspectives.
“Students encounter many ideas, perspectives, and beliefs about the world at college, and even though a reading or event is assigned, that does not mean that anyone at the college expects students to agree with every idea they encounter,” the college said. “Learning – and teamwork – is about exploring different ideas, countering with better ones, and expanding knowledge.”
“So, are you saying that all white people are racist?”
“We would also say that it’s only white people that could be racist, that are racist.”
You have to watch this clip from a film Davidson College required all its student-athletes to watch. pic.twitter.com/Q0STbgZNCB
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) February 27, 2024